CHAPTER 11-Castle Rock

CHAPTER 11-Castle Rock:
  1. Why do Ralph, Piggy and Samneric venture to Castle Rock?
         a. To get Piggy's glasses back.
  2. What do they take with them as a symbol of their authority?
         a. The conch.
  3. What happens to Piggy and the conch?
         a. Piggy is killed and the conch breaks.
  4. What happens to Samneric during the confrontation?
         a. They are taken as prisoners.
  5. Why does Ralph run away?
         a. He fears he will be killed too.
  6. What symbols does Golding use to show that civilization has been destroyed on the island?


  1. 6. The conch, specs, and the rescue fire.

  2. 6. Golding uses a statue in the shape of a penis to show that the island was destroyed

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  6. 3 is wrong
    a. Piggy sits on Jack and suffocates him with his 300 lb body weight
