CHAPTER 6-Beast from Air

CHAPTER 6-Beast from Air:
  1. What falls to the island during the night?
    1. A dead paratrooper.
  2. What has happened above the island to make this thing descend?
    1. A battle over the island with other lights in the sky.
  3. Who discovers this thing?
    1. Samneric discover the parachuter.
  4. What do they think it is?
    1. Samneric think its the beastie.
  5. What excuses does Ralph give to let Piggy stay behind when the other boys go hunt for the Beast?
    1. He tells them Piggy should look after the littluns.
  6. What is Golding saying about the outside world when he sends this “sign” down to the island?
    1. The sign which is the paratrooper, is dead. Suggesting that civilization is dead to the boys. Their civilization is dying.
  7. Why is it necessary for Golding to prevent Piggy from going on the hunt for the beast?
    1. Opinions.