Chapter 1-The Sound of the Shell

Chapter 1-The Sound of the Shell:

1.     What is the “scar”?
a.    The scar is the damage left behind where the plane crashed on the island.

2.    How old is Ralph?
a.    12 years old.

3.    What prevents Piggy from running and swimming?
a.    Piggie's asthma (ass-mar).

4.    What does Ralph find that Piggy sees as valuable?
a.    He finds a conch shell in the lagoon.

5.    What does Piggy suggest be done with the treasure Ralph has found?
a.    He suggests that Ralph blow into the conch which will get the attention of the other boys on the island.

6.    What does Ralph do for Jack to maintain peace?
a.    Ralph puts Jack in charge of hunting.

7.    What excuse does Jack give for not killing the pig?
a.    He says he was looking for a place to stab it. He really was too scared to.

8.    How does social order come about on the island?
a.    They boys pick Ralph as a leader and the rest are given jobs.

9.    What purpose is served by giving a detailed description of the island?
a.    To give us a sense of how the island is so we can understand the story and conditions better.

10.  Who do you think would make the best leader of the boys and why?
a.   Personal question.

11.  Why do you think Jack did not kill the pig?
a.    Likely due to fear.