Chapter 3-Huts on the Beach

Chapter 3-Huts on the Beach:
1.     How has Jack’s appearance changed since the last chapter?
a.    Longer hair, clothes ripped and dirty.

2.    What is Jack doing in the woods?
a.   Following pigs for hunting.

3.    What is Ralph doing while Jack is in the woods?
a.    Building shelters with Simon.
4.    What reasons does Ralph give for needing the shelters?
a.    Keep them dry from the train and to make the littluns feel safe from the beasties.
5.    Who first suggests that they might not be on a “good” island?
a.    Jack.
6.    Where does Simon go when he leaves the boys?
a.    To an empty area of the jungle and hides in an area covered by a “curtain” of creepers.
7.    Jack says that sometimes he feels as if he is being hunted when he is alone in the forest. Explain why he feels this way.
a.    Jack is feeling scared. Could be because hes alone or he too is starting to believe and become scared of the beasties. 
8.    Reread the last eight paragraphs in this chapter. What kinds of imagery does Golding use in this section, and what do you think he is trying to convey? Also, why do you think he chose to include this section at this point in the novel and focus on Simon?
a.    Lots.